Texas Business
Address Service
Our Texas registered agent service includes a FREE local address you can use to form your company–and protect your privacy.
Free Business Address with Registered Agent Service
The easiest way to get a Professional Business Address for your company is with our $7.99/mo Texas Registered Agent Service.

Our Registered Agent Service includes:
- Professional Business Address (NOT a P.O. Box)
- Secure Online Document Storage
- Instant Notification
- Same-Day Scanning
- FREE Mail Forwarding (3 documents/year)
- FREE 90-Day Trial of Phone Service
Need to receive mail at your business address? You’ll need a unique suite number, which you can get with one of our Mail Forwarding Services or Virtual Office.
3 Texas Business Address Options
(All With Individual Suite Numbers!)
Professional Mail
$49 / Year
Executive Mail
$99 / Year
Texas Virtual
$19 / Month
Privacy Protection For You, Stability For Your Business
There are a lot of things to think about as you prepare to legally form your Texas business. We’re here to make sure you have all the information you need to get a strong start— which is why we want to talk for a minute about the importance of choosing the right Texas business address.
It might seem like a small decision—it’s just an address on a form—but this address will be listed in the Secretary of State’s permanent business records. These records are public, which means they can be easily searched by anyone. We encourage you not to underestimate the loss of privacy (and sheer amount of unsolicited mail) that can result from using your private address to register your business.
A better solution is to hire a professional Texas registered agent and use their registered office address to form your company. This also gives your business the credibility boost of having the same stable commercial location on record, year after year.
Our $7.99 monthly service includes the use of our Austin office address, along with free mail forwarding (all of your legal mail, plus 3 additional documents every year). If you need a unique suite number, we offer 3 different comprehensive business address and Texas mail forwarding solutions you can choose from.
Our Guide To Texas
Business Addresses
Our Guide To Texas
Business Addresses
1. What Is A Texas Business Address?
Some states require businesses to list a ‘principal address’ or ‘principal place of business’ on their formation documents. This isn’t the case here in Texas. To create an LLC or corporation, the only address required is the physical address (aka ‘registered office’) of your Texas registered agent.
Once your business has been successfully filed with the state, your registered agent’s address becomes your official Texas business address. Any legal mail will be delivered to this location, including lawsuit notices, tax forms, and correspondence from the Secretary of State and the Texas Comptroller.
2. Can I Use My Home Address For My Business?
The short answer is yes. It’s completely legal to use your home address for your business and serve as your own registered agent.
The long answer is still yes—but you shouldn’t! Serving as your own registered agent is free, but will cost you your privacy. As the public record is permanent, you won’t be able to remove your address once it’s been published. And it can be daunting to try to fend off the onslaught of junk mail after your private residence has been added to dozens of mailing lists.
An additional hurdle is that—as your business’s registered agent— you’re required to be present during business hours. It’s true, we’re all at home most of the time now anyways. But it’s different when you’re legally obligated to be there, and even a day trip could mean missing the delivery of an important document.
3. If I Use Your Texas Business Address, Where Does My Mail Go?
As your Texas registered agent, we accept every piece of legal and state mail that arrives for your business, and scan it immediately to your private online account. Also included in our $7.99 monthly price is free basic mail forwarding! You get 3 additional mail scans per year— these are regular, non-state mail items such as bank statements, invoices and contracts.
If you think your business will receive a lot of ordinary, day-to-day mail, you may want to upgrade to one of our full-service Texas mail forwarding packages. Both of our full-service options include an individual suite number for your business, as well comprehensive mail forwarding. With these packages you get a multipurpose Texas business address that you can use on your business cards, marketing materials, website, social media pages, and anywhere else you might need it.
4. What Are The Benefits Of A Texas Business Address?
When you hire Independent Texas Registered Agent, you get a stable, reputable Texas address for your business, for just $7.99 a month. Here are some of the benefits that come with that address.
- Privacy Protection
Listing our Austin address on your public formation documents satisfies the requirement of having a physical address in Texas where you can receive state mail. We automatically list this address as your registered office, and in place of personal addresses for every manager, member, director and officer listed on your formation documents. Our dedication to maintaining your privacy extends to every facet of our business: we never sell your address to other companies, and we invest in high-quality security solutions to keep your personal information safe online. - A Professional Appearance
Our Texas business address is a nice commercial building in Austin. We own the building, which means we enjoy more stability than a lot of our competitors. No matter how often you move, your clients and investors will see the same office address on your business’s public record, year in, year out. Having a reputable address shows your clients and investors that yours is a company they can trust. - Texas Mail Forwarding
Our Texas mail forwarding options are designed to make your life easier and help you stay on top of your business affairs. If you frequently travel out of the state, or you just like keeping your mail organized, you’ll enjoy viewing your incoming documents in a convenient online account that’s accessible from anywhere. We also notify you, in the manner of your choosing, as soon as you have a new item to view. Our monthly address service gives you free basic mail forwarding: 3 non-legal items each year, plus every item of legal mail we receive for you.
Start Your
Business With Our
Address--And Protect
Your Own
As Texans, we know a little bit about the value of solitude. And privacy. Which is why we go to great lengths to protect yours. Hiring us to serve as your Texas registered agent means you get the peace of mind that comes from knowing your private address won’t be added to a public database anytime soon. Isn’t that alone worth $7.99 a month?